About Boat Lift Lock
Weathering the Storm
Hurricane IAN was devastating to Cape Coral and the surrounding area. Living in the SW Cape near rum runners we were surrounded by canals and boats. That is until hurricane Ian swept through the area. Many of our neighbors lost their boats as a result of Lift failures, tidal surge, or high winds. My partner and I had been working on a boat lift securing system for the past couple of years based on my own experience with lifts and storms. That's when we decided to come up with our patent pending Boat Lift Lock system.

First Came The Problem
Boat owner seeks device to stop swinging boat lift
That was the question Keith was asking himself in September 2022, as Hurricane Ian barreled toward Ft. Myers, Florida. After 35 years of solving problems as an installation specialist for an equipment manufacturer, he faced a problem for which he could not find a ready-made solution — how to keep his boat lift from swinging and swaying in the high winds. There was no device on the market that would meet his requirements for superior construction, reliable performance, and ease of operation. This system is easily installed, in fact any homeowner with basic mechanical ability can install this system. Once installed it lies at the ready, the entire system can be deployed to the lift in around 10 minutes with no tools. Keith wondered, walking around Cape Coral, how many boats could have been saved if this system was in place.